• S.R.P. S. 
S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti

    S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti

    S.R. Public School S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti is a social service organization working towards a better society

  • S.R.P. S. 
S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti

    S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti

    Realizing the dream of a self sufficient and self reliant India.

  • S.R.P. S. 
S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti

    S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti

    Social service organization working towards a better society.

  • S.R.P. S. 
S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti

    S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti

    Social service organization working towards a better society.

  • S.R.P. S. 
S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti

    S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti

    Social service organization working towards a better society.

Social Welfare Activities

Child Marriages

Child marriage in India, according to Indian law, is a marriage where either the woman is below age 18 or the man is below age 21. Most child marriages involve underage women, many of whom are in poor socio-economic conditions.


Adult Education

The Samiti has a regular programme for providing basic education to the adults.

The Samiti has a regular programme for providing basic education to the adults.

The Samiti has a regular programme for providing basic education to the adults.



Scholarship for Poor and Meritorious Students

Every year poor and meritorious students are selected from various schools and awarded scholarship/financial help.

Every year poor and meritorious students are selected from various schools and awarded scholarship/financial help.

Every year poor and meritorious students are selected from various schools and awarded scholarship/financial help.

Distribution of study material to Poor students

Books, copies etc. are distributed to poor students of slum areas.

Books, copies etc. are distributed to poor students of slum areas.

Books, copies etc. are distributed to poor students of slum areas.

Books, copies etc. are distributed to poor students of slum areas.

Establishment of Free Medical centre

A free medical Centre for the residents of slum area is run. Free consultation and medicines are provided to the needy people.

A free medical Centre for the residents of slum area is run. Free consultation and medicines are provided to the needy people.

A free medical Centre for the residents of slum area is run. Free consultation and medicines are provided to the needy people.

Blood Donation Camp

Time to time, Samiti organises Blood Donation Camps.

Time to time, Samiti organises Blood Donation Camps.

Time to time, Samiti organises Blood Donation Camps.

Time to time, Samiti organises Blood Donation Camps.



Other Health Services

Yoga & Stress management Courses are organised by Samiti time to time.

Yoga & Stress management Courses are organised by Samiti time to time.

Yoga & Stress management Courses are organised by Samiti time to time.

Moral and Self confidence building activities

The Samiti time to time organises discussions on "Moral and self confidence building activities" for the benefit of the common people of the society.

The Samiti time to time organises discussions on "Moral and self confidence building activities" for the benefit of the common people of the society.

The Samiti time to time organises discussions on "Moral and self confidence building activities" for the benefit of the common people of the society.

Financial help for Medical Treatment

Financial help is provided to poor and helpless people for treatment of serious and expensive diseases.

Financial help is provided to poor and helpless people for treatment of serious and expensive diseases.

Financial help is provided to poor and helpless people for treatment of serious and expensive diseases.

Financial help is provided to poor and helpless people for treatment of serious and expensive diseases.

Distribution of warm Clothes

Every year in winter season, warm clothes and blankets are distributed to the disables, widows, poor and old people.

Every year in winter season, warm clothes and blankets are distributed to the disables, widows, poor and old people.

Every year in winter season, warm clothes and blankets are distributed to the disables, widows, poor and old people.

Relief work in Natural Calamities

Relief work is generally undertaken by Samiti in case of natural calamities, flood, earthquake, drought, accidents etc.

Relief work is generally undertaken by Samiti in case of natural calamities, flood, earthquake, drought, accidents etc.

Relief work is generally undertaken by Samiti in case of natural calamities, flood, earthquake, drought, accidents etc.

Relief work is generally undertaken by Samiti in case of natural calamities, flood, earthquake, drought, accidents etc.

Tree Plantation

Samiti organises tree plantation work under pollution control programme.

Samiti organises tree plantation work under pollution control programme.

Samiti organises tree plantation work under pollution control programme.

Samiti organises tree plantation work under pollution control programme.

Campaign for Pollution Control

Time to time, Samiti campaign for regular emission check of vehicles.

Time to time, Samiti campaign for regular emission check of vehicles.

Time to time, Samiti campaign for regular emission check of vehicles.

Time to time, Samiti campaign for regular emission check of vehicles.

Ambulance services

An ambulance service is carried out for the help of patients on nominal charge. Poor patients for government hospitals are given preference for availing the service.

An ambulance service is carried out for the help of patients on nominal charge. Poor patients for government hospitals are given preference for availing the service.

An ambulance service is carried out for the help of patients on nominal charge. Poor patients for government hospitals are given preference for availing the service.

Help for marriages of Poor girls

Financial help is provided to poor girl who has lost her father and mother doesn’t have sufficient means for supporting the family.

Financial help is provided to poor girl who has lost her father and mother doesn’t have sufficient means for supporting the family.

Financial help is provided to poor girl who has lost her father and mother doesn’t have sufficient means for supporting the family.

Help to poor patients

Very Urgent Appeal to Doners

We are launching an appeal for a Middle Class helpless Person,Mr. Narinder Singh ji(Age 48years) from A Small village Named Bargarhi near Jattari(U.P. west), ,He is in desperate need of a life Saving Treatments.

“Mr. Narinder Singh ji” is suffering from a life threatening case of  Lymphoma. The cancer first appeared last year as a small growth on his neck, but it soon grew drastically into enormous cancerous growths on his back. Whilst undergoing a check up early this year, Narinder Singh's doctor found that there was another cancerous growth developing in his stomach. Now he has numerous cancerous growths on his abdomen as well As a result of the cancerous growths, Narinder Singh ji is unable to walk  even short Distances and feeling sharp pain always cant lay down and sit and he has a serious loss of appetite which has led to a severe weight loss, It is  difficult to estimate about paying his bills while he is receiving Chemo therapies, He has been treated by 4-5 types of chemos till now  with very expensive medical treatments and medicines excluding travel costs and expenses. He is the only Source of Income of his family, He was running a very small shop of T.V/Radio repairing in his Village, He has lots of liabilities behind, He has  wife One son who is a student and unemployed and two unmarried Daughters, there is not any alternative or other source of income for them. We have all the details and reports of this cause

Please seriously consider this request ,This is an urgent appeal to anybody or any organization who can assist with funding to pay for Narinder Singh ji’s Medical Treatment. Ours Combine efforts by making a monetary contribution to Narinder Singh ji. Any donation Any assistance is appreciated  and kind will be greatly appreciated. Kindly let your neighbors, customers, and friends know that you are joining them in the fight. 
 If you would like more information about this cause please feel free to call, please pass this appeal out to your friends and family and other kind peoples you know.

You can send us Cheques In favour of  S.R. Public School S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti and kindly check ours donations page for more details, You can donate us Online aswell,Online donations are simple, and ours site is secure. Please go to donation page and make a tax-deductible donation,S.R. Public School S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti Consider taking a few minutes out of your day to support this important cause.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Together We Can Make A Difference, and save a human being.

S.R. Public School S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti




जागरूक दानकर्ताओं  के लिए  अति महत्वपूर्ण  अनुरोध ,
हम एक अति सवेंदनशील विषय कि तरफ आपका ध्यान आकृष्ट करना चाहते हैं, श्री नरिंदर सिंह जी  (आयु 48वर्ष)  जो कि एक मध्यमवर्गीय सभ्रांत परिवार से सम्बंधित हैं और बराक गढ़ी ( जट्टारी ) के मूल निवासी हैं |

" श्री नरिंदर सिंह जी " लिंफोमा (एक प्रकार का कैंसर )नाम के, अतिगम्भीर रोग से पीड़ित है , कैंसर पहले उसकी गर्दन पर एक छोटे से वृद्धि के रूप में पिछले साल दिखाई दिया था |
, कैंसर वृद्धि के एक परिणाम के रूप में उनकी पीठ  पर और  उसके बाद में उनके पेट में कई गाठें हो गयीं  है , इन गाँठों कि वजह से उनको दिन रात शरीर में बहुत गम्भीर  दर्द रहता है और वो उठने,लेटने,बोलने चलने में पूर्णतया: असमर्थ हैं ! इसके अलावा उनको हमेशा थकान और कमजोरी रहती है उनका वजन भी काफी गिर गया है !उनकी पीड़ा को शब्दो में व्यक्त कर पाना असम्भव  है ,वह बहुत महंगी चिकित्सीय उपचार से गुजर रहें है | विभिन्न प्रकार के अति खर्चीले उपचार जैसे कीमो,रेडिएशन और दवाएं और विभिन्न प्रकार के चिकित्स्य टेस्ट करवाने के बाद उनकी आर्थिक हालत बहुत नाजुक हो चुकी है और वो बहुत सम्वेदनशील दौर से गुजर रहे हैं जहां उनको सघन चिकत्सा उपचार और औषधियों कि आवयश्कता है जो कि बहुत ही खर्चीली हैं ! बीमारी से पहले ये अपने परिवार कि आजीविका का एकमात्र स्त्रोत  थे और अपने ग्राम में एक छोटी सी टीवी रिपेरिंग कि दुकान चलाते थे ! और परिवार में अपने छात्र पुत्र और दो अविवाहित पुत्रियों और अपनी पत्नी का भरण पोषण करते थे , उनकी आकस्मिक बीमारी के पश्चात इनके परिवार में आय का कोई स्त्रोत नहीं है तथा परिवार के शेष सदस्य अपने को बहुत असहाय महसूस कर रहे हैं ! नरिंदर सिंह जी एक बहुत ही संभ्रांत और स्वाभिमानी परिवार से आते है किन्तु आय के साधन सीमित होने के कारण आर्थिक बहुत नाजुक हैं ! इनके परिवार और पुत्र के अनुरोध पर हम कि तरफ से समर्थ दानकर्ताओं से अनुरोध करते है कि वे अपने समाज के भाई कि यथा सम्भव सहायत करें और मानवता को जीवित रखें !

अतः आपसे सादर अनुरोध है कि आप इस अपील को गम्भीरता से लें !सही समय पर कि गयी आपकी सहायता एक जरूरतमंद मनुष्य का जीवन बचा सकती है ! आइये हम  संयुक्त प्रयास से नरिंदर सिंह जी कि आर्थिक सहायता करें और इस जीवन भक्षक बीमारी से लड़ने में उनकी सहायता करें , किसी भी प्रकार का छोटे से छोटा दान कैसी भी सहायता अपेक्षित और सराहनीय होगी,कृपया अपने जानकारो , मित्रो ,सहयोगियो परिवारजनो को हमारा ये सन्देश अग्रेषित करें और इस उद्देश्य में हमारी सहायता करें |

यदि आप इस उद्देश्य से सम्बंधित कैसी भी जानकारी चाहते है , केस डिटेल्स, डॉक्टर कि रिपोर्ट , बिल  या अन्य कोई भी जानकारी तो निसंकोच हमे पर कॉल करें |

दान के लिए आप हमें चेक भेज सकते है | जो कि S.R. Public School S.R. Public School Shiksha Samiti को देये होगी और अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमारे Donation Page पर क्लिक करें ! आप हमें ऑनलाइन भी दान कर सकते हैं,

ऑनलाइन दान करने कि प्रक्रिया बहुत ही सरल है और हमारी साईट सुरक्षित है ! कृपया अधिक जानकारी के लिए Donation page पर जा कर ऑनलाइन Donate करें, प्रक्रिया,जो कि टैक्स रहित होगी और आपकी गोपनीयता को सुरक्षित रखा जाएगा ! दान के बाद आपको पुष्टि का मेल और फ़ोन आएगा |
अपने समर्थन के लिए अग्रिम धन्यवाद ,
"संयुक्त रूप से ही हम ये सम्भव कर सकते है और एक मनुष्य का जीवन बचा सकते हैं "

सादर ,
एस.आर. पब्लिक स्कूल शिक्षा समिति